Spinal Load Related to Position (Rohlmannt et al. 2001) assessment Aug 11, 2019

The following picture shows intradiscal pressure as a percentage of standing in many common positions adopted in the gym and activities of daily living.


At the Movement Assessment Technologies, we always want to consider how starting position and load variables can influence stress...

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Foot mechanics - make sure you know what they do most of the time Aug 10, 2019


This picture may be a bit confronting for some of our female followers (maybe some of the guys too).


The feet are sometimes described as the switch that turns on the rest of the body, particularly in upright function. Often how they operate under ground reaction force is key in...

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Functional Training? training Aug 08, 2019

Functional training can divide many trainers and S&C professionals. Some will believe it has it's place while other may think it's a waste of time that not only doesn't get any results, but often make you look stupid too.


At the MAT assessment group we know there is no such thing as...

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Increased Functional Mobility just by Stretching? Aug 07, 2019

A big issue we see in the health and fitness industry is the assumption that tight muscles always need to be stretched and that tissue stretched or mobilised in one position will correlate with active ranges during movement. 


The problem with this idea is that it is purely a...

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Do you train the hip complex in all three planes of motion? training Aug 06, 2019

If not here is a picture that explains why you should. The hip is a ball in socket joint meaning it has incredible access to 3-dimensional movement particularly in dynamic tasks. 


For many of our patients and clients however, the actions that they perform in their daily lives and in...

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How things work. Treatment of pain. treatment Aug 05, 2019

Ever think about how what we do as health care professionals actually work when treating someone who's in pain? Here's our attempt at making a flow chart of some of the processes that can effect whether or not pain as an output can be modulated.


From this chart we can see how hands on...

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Chronic Pain and a Movement Based Approach Aug 04, 2019

Credit to Lorimer Moseley and the Body In Mind crew for the diagram. 


Chronic pain is a complicated multi factorial output of threat from the brain where What You Think (cognition) and What You Do (action) have a big influence of What You Feel (perception). For a while now one of the...

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Know your squat training Aug 03, 2019

At the Movement Assessment Technologies we use squats daily in the rehabilitation and development of movement competency in our patients and clients. We often modify squats in the position of the feet or upper body to create different stresses and loads through the system depending on what an...

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Foot prints from the Belgium national soccer team assessment Aug 02, 2019

Often as therapists we can get hung up with whether an individual has "flat feet" or "high arches". At the Movement Assessment Technologies we believe that this isn't too important as long as we test for how a foot functions. Can it evert/invert, pronate/supinate, load and unload against gravity...

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Your health, it's kind of like a bucket Aug 01, 2019

When talking to patients and clients about their health sometimes it can be hard to find simple explanations for how you will help them.

That's why we use the analogy of a bucket with holes in it. 

These holes are the outputs of mental and physical energy in our daily lives whether that be...

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Monday Night MAT Musings: The Future Of Health And Fitness assessment Jul 29, 2019

- The future of health and fitness.
- Do you need a diagnosis to help someone?
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Lateral Hops training Jul 15, 2019

Do you use the Side Hop Test when assessing your lower limb injury patients?

The Side Hop Test as described by Gustavsson et al in 2006 ( is a fantastic end-stage rehab test for individuals returning from lower limb injury as it objectively assesses...
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