Neck Orthopaedic Test: Adsons Test orthopaedic tests Jun 04, 2023

Adson's test is a clinical test used to evaluate Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). TOS is a condition that occurs when the blood vessels or nerves in the thoracic outlet, which is the area between the collarbone and the first rib, become compressed or irritated. Adson's test is one of the several...

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Neck Orthopaedic Test: Halstead Test orthopaedic tests Jun 04, 2023

The Halstead test is a physical examination maneuver used to assess for possible thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). It is named after Dr. Albert Halstead, who first described the test in 1934.


  1. Instruct the patient to sit upright with their back against a wall, and their arms resting by...
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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Sacroiliac Compression Test orthopaedic tests Jun 03, 2023

The sacroiliac compression test is a physical examination maneuver used to evaluate for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Here is a step-by-step procedure for performing the test:

  1. Ask the patient to lie on their back on an examination table with their legs straight.
  2. Stand on the side of the...
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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Seated Flexion Test orthopaedic tests Jun 03, 2023

Seated Flexion Test is a physical examination test used to evaluate the presence of sacroiliac joint dysfunction or pain. The test assesses the movement and position of the posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS), which are bony prominences located at the back of the pelvis.


  1. Position...
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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Standing Flexion Test orthopaedic tests Jun 03, 2023

Standing Flexion Test is a physical examination test used to evaluate the presence of sacroiliac joint dysfunction or pain. The test assesses the movement and position of the posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS), which are bony prominences located at the back of the pelvis.


  1. Position...
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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Stork Test orthopaedic tests Jun 03, 2023

The Stork Test is a physical exam test that is commonly used to assess the movement and symmetry of the sacroiliac joint. The sacroiliac joint is located at the junction of the sacrum and the ilium, which are bones that make up the pelvis. This joint plays an important role in transferring the...

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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Sacral Thrust Test orthopaedic tests Jun 03, 2023

The sacral thrust test is a manual test used to evaluate the mobility of the sacroiliac joint. Here's a step-by-step procedure for performing the sacral thrust test:

  1. Have the patient lie on their stomach on a treatment table.
  2. Locate the patient's sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the...
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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Sacroiliac Distraction Test orthopaedic tests Jun 03, 2023

The Sacroiliac Distraction Test is a physical examination technique used to assess for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Here are the steps to perform the Sacroiliac Distraction Test:

1. Have the patient lie down on their back on the examination table with their legs straight.
2. Place one hand on the...

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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Yeoman's Test orthopaedic tests Jun 03, 2023

Yeoman's Test is a physical examination test used to assess sacroiliac joint dysfunction or inflammation. Here are the steps to perform the test:

  1. The patient lies prone (face down) on an examination table with one leg straight and the other flexed at the hip and knee.
  2. The examiner stands on the...
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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Mennell's Sign orthopaedic tests Jun 02, 2023

Mennell's sign is a clinical test used to assess the presence of a spinal lesion or dysfunction. It involves applying passive joint movements to the spine while the patient is lying in a relaxed position. 

Here's a step-by-step procedure for performing the Mennell's sign test:

  1. Have the...
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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Waddell Sign orthopaedic tests Jun 02, 2023

The Waddell Test is a diagnostic assessment that can be used to evaluate the presence of non-organic or psychogenic signs of low back pain.

Here are the steps to perform the Waddell Test:

  • Begin by instructing the patient to sit on a firm surface with their hands resting on their thighs.
  • Instruct...
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Spine Orthopaedic Test: Slump Test orthopaedic tests Jun 02, 2023

The Slump Test is a diagnostic assessment that can be used to evaluate the neural tension and mobility of the lower back, hamstrings, and sciatic nerve. Here are the steps to perform the Slump Test:

  1. Begin by instructing the patient to sit on a firm surface with their hands resting on their...
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