The Talar tilt test is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the stability of the ankle joint, specifically the lateral ligaments of the ankle. The test involves inversion stress testing of the ankle to assess the degree of laxity or instability present.
Here's a step-by-step procedure in bullet...
The Squeeze Test is a physical examination technique that is commonly used to diagnose injuries to the ankle joint.
Here are the steps to perform the Squeeze Test:
- The patient should lie down on a comfortable examination table or bed and expose their ankle joint.
- The examiner should stand...
The Silfverskiold Test is a physical examination test used to assess the tightness of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. This test is commonly used to evaluate the ankle joint and lower leg injuries.
Here is a step-by-step procedure to perform the Silfverskiold Test:
- Position the patient...
The prone anterior drawer test is a physical examination technique used to assess the stability of the ankle joint, particularly the anterior talofibular ligament. Here are the steps to perform the prone anterior drawer test:
1. Have the patient lie face down on the examination table with their...
Peroneus longus and brevis are two muscles located in the lower leg that help to stabilize and move the ankle joint. There are a few tests that can be done to evaluate the strength and function of these muscles. Here are the steps for each test:
Position the patient lying on their side with the...
Kleiger's test is a physical examination technique used to assess for a high ankle sprain or syndesmotic injury. Here are the steps to perform Kleiger's test:
1. Have the patient sit on the examination table with their legs hanging over the edge.
2. Grasp the patient's foot with one hand and their...
The Impingement sign ankle test is a physical examination technique used to diagnose ankle impingement syndrome. Ankle impingement syndrome occurs when soft tissue or bony structures in the ankle joint become compressed, resulting in pain and limited mobility. This condition is common in...
The eversion stress test is a physical examination technique used to assess the stability of the ankle joint, particularly the deltoid ligament. Here are the steps to perform the eversion stress test:
1. Have the patient lie down on their back with their knee bent and their foot flat on the...
The anterior drawer test is a physical examination technique used to evaluate the stability of the ankle joint, specifically the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL).
1. Have the patient lie down on their back with their knee bent and their foot flat on the examination table.
2. Grasp the...
Whilst the hip joint is capable of movement in all three planes of motion some movements tend to be more important for certain movements than others. Most of the time assessment of these movements will occur in unloaded positions such as supine or seated.
One of the most important movements...
The Weight-Bearing Lunge Test (WBLT) is a simple and reliable assessment for one of the most important movements of the body, foot, and ankle dorsiflexion. Using the MAT you can quickly and effectively measure this movement as a total distance in centimeters or use an inclinometer application on...
The Weight-Bearing Plantar Flexion Test is a simple test used to assess the strength of the calf muscles. Here are the steps to perform the test:
1. Have the participant stand with their feet shoulder-width apart and their hands resting on a wall or stable surface for balance.
2. Instruct the...