Spine Flexibility Testing: MAT Spinal Assessment

flexibility May 23, 2023
MAT Spinal Assessment

The MAT Spinal Assessment looks at common spinal assessment movements in all 3 planes of motion but allows the assessor to add a baselines flexibility measurement so that progression can be tracked over time.

These movements are important to assess for a therapist when managing clients with lower back pain as statistically 9/10 people may develop an episode of lower back pain in their lifetime. 

For trainers often assessing whether a client has adequate flexibility in these movements may influence whether an individual is safe to perform certain movements eg flexion and a deadlift, extension and overhead press, rotation and throwing. 

Procedure - Sagittal Flexion:

  1. The client stands with toes behind the red 90° start line on MAT star facing measurement line, feet together.
  2. The client stands with arms outstretched with one hand on the other. The measurement ruler is then marked at this distance on the main MAT measurement line.
  3. The client reaches forward down the ruler maintaining finger contact with the measurement ruler at all times. The assessor asks for feedback from the client as to what point limitation in flexibility, pain, or discomfort is felt.
  4. The height and distance where the limitation is reached.

Procedure - Sagittal Extension:

  1. The client stands with heels behind 90° line on MAT star with the back facing measurement line, feet together.
  2. The client places hands together one on top of the other and reaches back overhead with both hands as far as they can without feet coming off the ground. The total excursion of extension reach is marked using measurement ruler.
  3. The height and distance where the limitation is reached.
  4. If unable to perform the overhead reach due to pain or limitation in the shoulder a head driver may be used to facilitate the movement.

Procedure - Frontal Plane Side Bending:

  1. The client stands with feet together, medial aspects of feet either side of the red 90° line of MAT star facing perpendicular to measurement line.
  2. The client stretches arms overhead with palms together and reaches as far as they can to one side without feet coming off the ground and without twisting. The total excursion of lateral reach is marked using measurement ruler.
  3. The height and distance where the limitation is reached.
  4. If painful through shoulder you can modify this with arms by the client's side the distance from the fingertips to the floor running down the outside of the leg.

Procedure - Spinal Rotation:

  1. The client stands with the lead heel on the centre of MAT star with both feet together. The angle of rotation is taken from the second toe of the lead heel. The measuring ruler is set up on the main measurement line.
  2. The client outstretches arms with palms together and rotates around as far as possible to the side of the lead heel until they touch the measuring ruler at the back of the hand without losing balance or contact with the ground.
  3. Upon successful touch, both feet are adjusted on the MAT star to increase the angle of rotation slightly until they are no longer able to reach the measurement mark.
  4. The total rotation where the limitation is reached.

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