Strength Isometric Test: Wrist Extension strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

To test wrist extension isometric strength with a handheld dynamometer, you can follow these steps:

  1. Have the client adopt a supine position, lying flat on a massage table or mat, with the testing elbow locked out straight by their side. The client’s elbow should be pronated for this test.
  2. ...
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Strength Isometric Test: Elbow Extension strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

Here is a general protocol for testing elbow extension isometric strength with a Muscle Meter:

  1. Have the client seated in an upright position, with their elbow tucked into their torso and flexed to 90 degrees, or perhaps a little bit more. The client’s elbow should be in a supinated...
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Strength Isometric Test: Elbow Flexion strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

Here are the steps to test elbow flexion isometric strength with a Muscle Meter:

  1. Have the client seated in an upright position, with their elbow tucked into their torso and flexed to 90 degrees. Their elbow should remain in a supinated position.
  2. The practitioner should then position themselves...
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Strength Isometric Test: Wrist Flexion strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

To test wrist flexion isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Have the client adopt a supine position, lying flat on a massage table or mat, with the testing elbow locked out straight by their side. The client’s elbow should be supinated for this test.
  2. In the...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder Internal Rotation (IR) at 90 Deg strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

The following is a general procedure for testing isometric shoulder internal rotation (IR) strength at 90 degrees of shoulder abduction with a Muscle Meter:

  1. Have the client adopt a supine position, lying flat on a massage table or mat.
  2. Then, ask the client to abduct their shoulder and flex their...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder Extension strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

To test shoulder extension isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, follow these steps:

  1. Have the client seated upright off the long edge of a massage table, shuffled all the way back. Then, ask them to flex their testing arm to 90 degrees out in front of their body. 
  2. Take the Muscle...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder Flexion strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

To test shoulder flexion isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, follow these steps:

  1. Have the client seated upright off the long edge of a massage table, shuffled all the way back. Then, ask them to flex their testing arm to 90 degrees out in front of their body. 
  2. Take the Muscle Meter and...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder Adduction strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

To test shoulder adduction isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, follow these steps:

  1. Have the client seated upright off the long edge of a massage table, with their testing arm abducted to 90 degrees. 
  2. As for all tests involving the Muscle Meter, the better leverage that practitioners can...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder Abduction strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

Testing shoulder abduction isometric strength with a Muscle Meter involves several steps, including patient preparation, device placement, and data collection. Here is a general overview of the testing protocol:

  1. Have the client seated upright off the long edge of a massage table, with their...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder External Rotation (ER) at 0 Deg strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

To test shoulder external rotation (ER) at 0 degrees isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, follow these steps:

  1. Have the client seated in an upright position off the long edge of a massage table.
  2. Ensure the client starts with their elbow tucked into their trunk and that it is flexed to 90...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder Internal Rotation (IR) at 0 Deg strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

To test shoulder internal rotation (IR) at 0 degrees isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, follow these steps:

  1. Have the client seated in an upright position off the long edge of a massage table.
  2. Ensure the client starts with their elbow tucked into their trunk and that it is flexed to 90...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder External Rotation (ER) at 90 Deg strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

To test shoulder external rotation (ER) isometric strength at 90 degrees of shoulder abduction with a Muscle Meter, follow these steps:

  1. Have the client adopt a supine position, lying flat on a massage table or mat.
  2. Then, ask the client to abduct their shoulder and flex their elbow, both to 90...
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