Strength Isometric Test: Spine - Rotation

strength-isometric Jan 29, 2024

Spine rotation involves twisting the torso to the left or right, engaging muscles along the spine, abdominals, and obliques. Here's how to perform it:

  1. Start Position: Stand or sit tall with an upright posture, keeping your shoulders relaxed.

  2. Twisting Motion: Gently rotate your upper body to one side, allowing your arms to move with the motion, keeping them relaxed. You can place one hand on the opposite knee or thigh for support.

  3. Return to Neutral: Slowly return to the starting position, then repeat the rotation to the other side.

  4. Repetitions: Perform several rotations on each side, ensuring smooth, controlled movements.

Maintaining proper form and avoiding any sudden or jerky movements is crucial to prevent strain on the spine or muscles. Spine rotation exercises help improve flexibility, mobility, and the overall health of the spine and supporting muscles. Adjust the range of motion to a comfortable level, especially if you have any existing back issues.

Normative data specifically for spine rotation exercises might not be as widely established or standardized compared to more common fitness assessments. The range of motion in spine rotation can vary significantly among individuals based on factors like age, flexibility, and musculoskeletal conditions.


  • Kouwenhoven, Jan-Willem M., et al. "Analysis of preexistent vertebral rotation in the normal spine." Spine 31.13 (2006): 1467-1472.
  • Penning, L., and J. T. Wilmink. "Rotation of the cervical spine: a CT study in normal subjects." Spine 12.8 (1987): 732-738.
  • Johnson, Katherine D., et al. "Reliability of thoracic spine rotation range-of-motion measurements in healthy adults." Journal of athletic training 47.1 (2012): 52-60.

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