Range of Motion: Spine Lateral Flexion

range of motion Jun 30, 2023

Testing Spine Lateral Flexion range of motion with an inclinometer involves the following steps:

  1. Have the client adopt an upright standing position. 
  2. With the Measurz inclinometer aligned with T12 of the spinous process, instruct the client to flex to one side as far as they can. It is important to ensure the top of the device remains in line with the spinous process while the client performs this test.
  3. Once maximal range of motion is achieved, hit the pause/play, followed by the save button to generate and view the results. NB: We should be able to have our client achieve at least 30 degrees of lateral flexion on both sides in this test.

The normal range for Spine Lateral Flexion range of motion can vary depending on a person's age, gender, and overall health. However, generally, the normal range for Spine Lateral Flexion is considered to be between 20-45 degrees.



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  2. Kendall FP, McCreary EK, Provance PG, Rodgers MM, Romani WA. Muscles Testing and Function with Posture and Pain. 5th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
  3. Dvir Z, Keating JL. Trunk extension endurance: A comparison between healthy subjects and patients with low back pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2001;31(5):260-270. doi:10.2519/jospt.2001.31.5.260

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