Agility Testing: Illinois Agility Test

agility May 18, 2023

The Illinois Agility Test is a widely used field test that assesses an individual's ability to change direction rapidly while running. The time it takes the athlete to complete the test is recorded and is used as a measure of agility and speed. The Illinois Agility Test is a relatively simple and inexpensive test that can be performed with minimal equipment, making it a popular choice for coaches, trainers, and researchers.

Equipment needed:

  • Flat surface
  • 8 cones or markers
  • Stopwatch or timing gates


  • Place the cones in a specific pattern as shown in the diagram below:

  • The athlete starts at the starting line, which is marked by cone 1.
  • When ready, the athlete sprints to cone 2, which is placed 10 yards away from cone 1.
  • The athlete then weaves in and out of the cones in a serpentine pattern, running around cone 3 and then around cone 4 before heading back to cone 1.
  • The athlete finishes the test by sprinting back across the starting line.
  • Time the athlete using a stopwatch or timing gates, from the start signal to when the athlete crosses the finish line.
  • Record the time to the nearest tenth of a second.
  • Repeat the test two to three times, allowing a few minutes of rest between each attempt.
  • Use the fastest time as the athlete's score.

Note: Make sure the athlete understands the correct pattern of running around the cones. Also, ensure the cones are placed securely to avoid any accidental movement or injury during the test.



  1. Sassi, R. H., Dardouri, W., Yahmed, M. H., Gmada, N., & Mahfoudhi, M. E. (2009). Relative and absolute reliability of a modified agility T-test and its relationship with vertical jump and straight sprint. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 23(6), 1644-1651.
  2. Young, W., & Dawson, B. (2010). Evaluation of the reliability and validity of a soccer-specific field test of repeated sprint ability. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 13(1), 125-128.
  3. Sheppard, J. M., & Young, W. B. (2006). Agility literature review: classifications, training and testing. Journal of sports sciences, 24(9), 919-932.
  4. Chaouachi, A., Brughelli, M., Chamari, K., Levin, G. T., Ben Abdelkrim, N., Laurencelle, L., & Castagna, C. (2009). Lower limb maximal dynamic strength and agility determinants in elite basketball players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 23(5), 1570-1577.

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