Aerobic Fitness: Coopers 12-Minute Run Test

aerobic fitness May 18, 2023
Coopers 12-Minute Run Test

Cooper's 12-minute run test is a simple and widely used field test that measures an individual's cardiovascular endurance and aerobic capacity. The test requires the participant to run as far as possible within 12 minutes on a flat surface, typically a track or a measured course. The total distance covered in meters is then recorded and used to estimate the individual's aerobic fitness level.

Here are the basic steps for performing Cooper's 12-minute run test:

  1. Mark out a flat course on a track or a flat surface.
  2. Ensure that participants are properly warmed up and have clearance from a medical professional to engage in physical activity.
  3. Instruct participants to run as far as they can within 12 minutes and encourage them to pace themselves throughout the run.
  4. Record the total distance covered by the participant in meters at the end of the 12-minute period.
  5. Use the distance covered to estimate the individual's aerobic fitness level, typically based on their age and gender.



  1. Cooper, K. H. (1968). A means of assessing maximal oxygen uptake. Correlation between field and treadmill testing. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 203(3), 201-204.
  2. American College of Sports Medicine. (2018). ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  3. Krahenbuhl, G. S., Pangrazi, R. P., & Kang, J. (1995). Maximizing your fitness test scores. Human Kinetics Publishers.
  4. McWhorter, J. W., & Katch, F. I. (1973). Prediction of maximal oxygen intake from 12-minute run and other field tests. Medicine and Science in Sports, 5(4), 261-265.

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