360° Assessment For Health And Fitness Professionals
The MegaMAT™ products were designed to help improve your assessment and training of your patients, clients and athletes.
With the MegaMAT you can perform all of the same game-changing assessments that you can with The MAT™ , including:
- Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT)
- Y-Balance test (YBT)
- Weight Bearing Lunge Test (WBLT)
- Hop + Jump tests
- Squats tests
- Lunge tests
- Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Test (CKCUET)
- Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test (UQYBT)
- Star Excursion Sitting Test (SEST)
- Standing Long Lump
- and many, many more Functional Performance Tests
The MegaMAT is not only an amazing assessment tool, but a unique training environment to enhance the way your clients move. It allows you to train your clients in all 3-dimensions, giving you endless movement and exercise prescription options.

The MegaMAT has many built-in elements to enhance neuroplasticity, balance, reaction, decision making to help improve movement variability, proprioception and adaptability. Get instant biofeedback and train with more specificity each rep with full 360-degree measurement.
Build more robust individuals and take your client and athlete assessment and training to the next level by purchasing a MegaMAT today.
Dimensions: 200cm x 200cm
Want To See If The MegaMAT Will Fit In Your Space?
Click the MegaMAT below to see a 3D model OR open this page on your mobile device and click the AR button to view it in your space

Cedric Audibert
"I've done a lot of different courses in my career, MAT has given me a lot of answers."

Nora Kane
Pilates Instructor
"I really enjoyed the MAT course, my clients are really going to value having a tool to measure their progress with."

Dave Bartolomeu
Exercise Physiologist
"I really liked the MAT course, it's given me a lot of new ideas on how to assess treat, and train my clients"

Want to learn a great test that you can use with the MEGA MAT?
Get a taste of the MAT Course experience with a FREE module on our favourite test the Star Excursion Balance Test.